Welcome to
Manchester Universities’ Catholic Chaplaincy (MUCC) &
the Catholic Chaplaincy Church of the Holy Name      

The Holy Name Church is a ministry of the Jesuits in Britain. Reg’d Charity Nos: England & Wales: 230165 & Scotland:040490

Make your donation to the church

Special collection for Our Lady of Walsingham

The Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales approved of a special collection for the National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham to support Jubilee year initiatives. For more information see the website.

Cranes for Peace

We are folding one thousand cranes for peace at Holy Name. If you would like to help then please drop into the chaplaincy and fold a paper crane! The cranes will be displayed in the Church from Sunday 18th May as a symbol of our commitment to world peace. Watch this space for our special origami evening coming up during Lent...

MUCC & the Holy Name

The Catholic Chaplaincy Church of the Holy Name
serves the Catholics of the Universities in Manchester, and welcomes all University members
who are exploring how God walks with them in their daily life,
shown in the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ,
and ever since, in the community of the Catholic Church, led by the Bishop of Rome, now Pope Francis.

Because the Holy Name is not a parish, we can celebrate baptisms, marriages and funerals only
for current Catholic members of the University, and invite other Catholics to live these moments of their faith
in the surrounding Catholic Parishes, such as St Augustine’s, Grosvenor Square  

Chaplaincy opening times:

The Chaplaincy Portkabin is open Mon-Fri from 10am-6.30pm.

Mass & Confession Times

Mass: Sunday 11h & 19h; Mon-Sat 12h30;
Adoration of Christ in the Eucharist: Mon-Sat 12h-12h25;
Confessions: Mon-Sat 12h-12h25;
Rosary: Wed 18h (in term time)

Weekly Newsletter

What’s happening at the Chaplaincy & Holy Name this week

Becoming a Catholic

Each year those who seek to become Catholic by receiving Baptism or being received into the Catholic Church from another Christian community, and those who ask to complete their Christian initiation by receiving Confirmation, prepare, by prayer and catechesis (the echoing of the proclamation of the faith in their hearts) between October and May following the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Please speak to Fr Phil or Fr Dushan to explore this path.

Please note that the programme has started and the group will not accept new members after the end of October. The next opportunity to start will be in Autumn 2025.        

Finding God’s light for my life

We gather regularly in the Holy Name Church to seek God’s light through personal and community prayer. Catholics pray together regularly by celebrating the Death and Resurrection of Christ in the commemoration of his Last Supper with his disciples, which we call the Eucharist (thanksgiving) or Mass (Sending).

When the Church is open, many people enter to pray quietly or to contemplate the beauty of the space.            

Contact Us

Students and Staff of the Universities are welcome to visit
the Chaplaincy Portakabin in front of
335-337 Oxford Rd, MANCHESTER M13 9PG
location https://what3words.com/loudly.logo.layers

The Catholic Chaplains to the Universities welcome you

All the Students and Staff members of the Universities can meet and speak to the Chaplains at Masses, events
or by arranging one-to one meetings.  

The Catholic Chaplains all belong to communities inspired by St Ignatius of Loyola,
three priests of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) which he founded in the 16th century,
one Faithful Companion of Jesus sister, founded by Marie Madeleine d’Houët in 19th century France,
and we are supported by one layman who will welcome you into our Chaplaincy portakabin.

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© 2024 Manchester Universities Catholic Chaplaincy