

52 Plymouth Grove W, Manchester M13 0AR
Care home for elderly people, not far from the Chaplaincy. Ask Sr Alicia 
aperez@jesuit.org.uk for more info.


Volunteers sort food donations and prepare food parcels for the clients. Sometimes behind the scenes, sometimes with clients (for the latter you may need a DBS check). There are two foodbanks nearby:
Manchester South Central Foodbank - look at for locations and times and how to volunteer.
Manchester Central Foodbank - used to be in the Chaplaincy and was started by Chaplaincy students. Please send an email to info@manchestercentral.foodbank.org.uk including your availability saying how you are connected with our Catholic Chaplaincy.


We need people to help in many ways so that we can pray well in our beautiful Church. It is also a great way of getting to know people in our community.
We need:

- Altar servers
- Readers
- Stewards
- Cleaners
- Singers
Send an email to Fr. Dushan 
dcroossj@jesuit.org.uk if you are interested or fill a form.

Volunteer Team for Church Gift Shop
We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in being part of a team helping in the shop at the back of Church on Sunday. Please arrange a meeting with Fr Dushan dcroossj@jesuit.org.uk if you would like to help in this way.


ARC UK are recruiting for summer cathedral tour guides. This is a fantastic (and cheap!) experience abroad. They are looking for English-speaking tour guides aged 18-30 for our projects in cathedrals and churches around Europe. You'll live in a community with guides of different nationalities for several weeks and have time off to explore the country you're staying in!
You will guide in English, but a second language is useful. They are particularly keen to recruit strong French speakers, while skills in Italian, Spanish and German are also welcome. While prior knowledge of art or architecture is an advantage, training is provided by ARC: passion and enthusiasm for history and storytelling are more important. Volunteers live and work within a Christian community. An interest in Christianity is important but personal faith is not a requirement; they look for experience of community and an ability to work alongside people with a range of faiths and cultural backgrounds.

For more information and to download the application form visit www.uk-arc.org Closing date: Monday 17th of March 2025.

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