Chaplaincy activities
and groups

We grow in faith and build our Catholic Community
by praying, by having fun together and by serving others.  
Here are some of them.  

Catholic Societies

Students lead the Catholic Societies of the University of Manchester and of the Manchester Metropolitan University.

Each Sunday after the 7pm Mass, they organise a social in the Chaplaincy Portakabin, next to the Church.    

Walking Club

Fr Phil leads a walk in the hills and by the waters of the  beautiful landscape round Manchester every other week. Speak to him to be kept up to date on these or to find our where the next walk will be.  

Litter Picking

Tuesdays 1.30pm - 3pm; Meet at the Chaplaincy.  

Come and do your bit for the city of Manchester by helping the chaplains on their weekly clear up of Whitworth Park.

Tuesday talk

Tuesdays 6.30pm, Chaplaincy portakain  

A weekly talk from an invited speaker on a theme of faith, with time for questions.

Topic listed in weekly newsletter

Postgraduate Group

Monthly meal on the last Friday of the month with sharing and prayer, arranged via postgrad WhatsApp group. Speak to Fr Dushan to join.  

Helping us to pray at Mass

We need people to help in many ways so that we can pray well in our beautiful Church. It is also a great way of geetting to know people in our community. You could help by:

  • Cleaning the Church

  • Welcoming people as they arrive

  • Singing or playing music in our choirs          
            at the 11am or 7pm Sunday Mass

  • Altar Serving  

  • Reading Scripture

  • Taking up the collection

  • Taking up the Offertory gifts

  • Lay ministers of Holy Communion  

Please contact Fr Dushan or follow the link:

Living Stones  

The beauty of our Church can help visitors know the One on whom these stones are built and whom this beauty praises. Contemplating the images in our Church using the way of praying of St Ignatius helps us to be aware of God’s presence among us, and how he invites us to draw others into his fullness of life.    

The weekly Living Stones meetings offer a time of prayer, a time of study and a time of community which prepare us for a regular (probably monthly) service of leading visitors through the Spiritual Journey of this Church building.

In Prayer we contemplate how the images and architecture of our Church point us toward God, using the way of praying of St Ignatius of Loyola.

By Study we learn about the history of this Church building and its context, and why it is in this style, which all show how it reveals God’s presence in the midst of where we are.    

In community, the Living Stones are built together, to offer shelter and space to discover the Lord’s invitation together.  

This issues in Service, through which we hope to point visitors to the presence of God in the Church and in the world.  

Christian Life Communities (CLC-CVX)

Christian Life Community (CLC) is for people who want to understand more deeply how God is at work in their everyday lives, using three pillars of Spirituality: living prayer, Community: a spiritual family, and Mission: loving service.

We hope to start a new CLC group early in the Autumn term 2024.


7pm -10pm, first Friday of each month in term

Students invite passersby to enter our Church, to pause in silence, to light a candle bedfore the Altar, to write their needs and intentions and perhaps, to offer them to God, as we pray and Adore Christ in the Eucharist exposed on the Altar, while those who wish, celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation or speak to a priest.      

And many more activities that we can begin!

Speak to one of the Chaplains about how you wodl liek to elp build our community

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